A Letter to The Doc

Photo by Julia Mouru00e3o Missagia on Pexels.com

*This one’s real, folks. I’m a pretty hardy bird, but this back pain is terrifying me. It was all I could do today to cut and paste this little bit of my world here. Thanks for reading and sending some good juju if it feels right!

Hiya Doc

I am wondering

if you can guide me

in how to receive emotional support

for this back/nerve pain issue.

The intense pain is happening again,

and I am finding it difficult to walk

and do my daily activities…

including going to my job.

I am taking Advil and it helps a little,

but I am so afraid.

Especially because these symptoms

have “no visible cause,”

and I don’t seem to be doing anything

to aggravate the issue…

it just comes on unpredictably.

I am waking up more often than not

dreading the day

and dealing with a lot of fear

about how I am going to support myself

if I can’t work,

not to mention

do the things I love.

Any suggestions are welcome,

thank you.

P.S. Could you also try to talk to Hekate?

Tell her it’s a bit much

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