Dream Teachers

this is NOT the woman i met, it is a stock Photo by Yulia Rozanova on Pexels.com

It seems I often dream of eastern/Asian symbology when something new is coming to form in my life, yet recently the symbols manifested in my *waking* dream.

An Asian elder came into the apothecary I work in, and we were dialoguing about her symptoms…lo and behold she was dealing with *exactly* the same pain symptoms I have recently been struggling to manage.

She and I recognized the specific nature of the synchronicity and smiled at each other.

She told me about a particular herbal formula that she’d been directed to use by her medicine people, her great trust in that process…and then she left.

Hours later as I was closing up the shoppe, this real/dream elder came back, a bag of strange and mysterious herbs in hand. She told me to decoct the mixture and that we could share about how it was working for both of us.

This is not a totally unusual experience at the apothecary portal, but a beauteous and magickal one nonetheless. I haven’t seen the woman since then. I kind of wonder if I ever will. I kind of wonder if she was real, or if she was a cross-over dream character giving me direction when I most needed it.

Who knows? The line between the waking and sleeping dream has long been hazy for me. All I can say is blessed be to the dream teachers, and to this particular elder that shared so presently with me. I have hopes for how the decoction alchemizes inside 🙏✨🕸


Thanks for reading! I am deciding to vary my consistent poetry structure to include some prose, I would love to know if you’d like to have just poetry or if this is a welcome change?

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